
Useful Tools

Forms for Downloading

You can download the most commonly requested documents from this site whenever you need them. These documents can be filled in and sent to us by fax or e-mail in order for us to proceed immediately with the appropriate actions. Please, select the appropriate forms:

Power of Attorney form

Use this form to empower Kiortsis & Associates Law Offices to represent the applicant or the owner of a Trademark, Patent, Industrial Design or Utility Model on any relating issues. Please fill in the name and address of the applicant or the owner and let us have the form duly executed (by the applicant or the owner). No notarization or legalization is required except for cases in which the owner must be represented in litigation.

Trademark assignment form

Use this form to empower Kiortsis & Associates Law Offices to proceed with the registration of assignment of trademarks. Please fill in the names and addresses of both parties (assignor and assignee), the assigned trademark(s) or trademark application(s) and its/their number(s) and also the number(s) of the international class(es) of the goods/services that the trademark(s) cover(s). This document must be signed through the legal representatives of both parties, notarised and further legalised with Apostille.

European Patent assignment form

Use this form to empower Kiortsis & Associates Law Offices to proceed with the registration of assignment of European Patents. Please fill in the names and addresses of both parties (assignor and assignee), the European Patent(s) application and registration numbers, the Greek given number(s) (national phase) and the patent(s) title(s). This document must be signed through the legal representatives of both parties, notarised and further legalised with Apostille.

Greek Patent assignment form

Use this form to empower Kiortsis & Associates Law Offices to proceed with the registration of assignment of Greek Patents. Please fill in the names and addresses of both parties (assignor and assignee), the numbers of the assigned Patent(s)/Patent application(s) and its/their title(s). This document must be signed through the legal representatives of both parties, notarised and further legalised with Apostille.

User's agreement form

A User’s agreement document must be filed with the application for registration of a License for Trademark Use. You may amend this sample form according to the agreement between the Proprietor and the User/License and fill it in with the names and addresses of both parties, the trademark(s) and its/their number(s). This document must be signed through the legal representatives of both parties, notarised and further legalised with Apostille.

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